Friday, May 14, 2010

This Blog

I was a girly-girl from the start. From the very first time I laid my eyes on a pair of high-heeled shoes, a tube of lipstick, a pink dress, I knew that fashion and I were to be life long friends. I love everything about fashion. Colours, shapes, textures, patterns, and silhouettes are my passion!

As a younger sister usually does, I received some hand-me-downs. By the time they fit me though (her being seven years my elder) they were, well, not so fashionable anymore, so I improvised. I would take her old sweater and with a snip here and a stitch there it would become my own and I loved it! This blog is my way of documenting my projects and sharing them with you. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I looked at every post on this blog and it was so fun! You have inspired me to try to find something fun to do with some old clothes I have laying around. Thank you, Emme!
