Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Doll Skirt

I bought this baby-doll top at the beginning of spring, thinking I'd wear it during the summer and never did because it was too....much. One of those purchases where in the store it's a must have and then you bring it home and you wonder what you were thinking.
I clipped off one of the ruffles along the bottom edge, which helped a lot, then removed the removable straps and I'm now using it as a skirt.
Which I like much better :)
It's still a bit....much, but I'd say it's much improved :)


  1. Ooh, cute! I don't think it's too much at all. And you're right, it was a bit much at first. I've made those purchases, too, and wondered what I was thinking. It's a good thing you're so talented and can fix it.

  2. Hi there,

    you have a very cool looking blog, and I just wanted to leave you a comment. So anyway, I just wanted to see if you would visit my blog. And if you follow me, I will follow you... :)


  3. how wonderful, such a cute idea, it looks awesome! and i totally have those moments all the time where im like...what was the point of buying this thing..hahaa glad you were able to fix it up and wear it, it really looks adorable!

  4. oh it looks super cute as a skirt! you could probably still wear it as a tube top and throw a jean jacket on top as well.
    I have loads of those kinds of clothing items and just don't know what to do with them lol
